A leak indicates that a new MacBook Pro M4 may have surfaced in Russia, featuring a familiar design and powered by the M4 chip. Unboxing videos show the product in use, hinting at enhanced specifications and a potential price increase, as Apple adapts to new market realities. The benchmarks align closely with those of the latest iPad Pro, confirming the machine’s potential.
In a surprising turn of events, a new video from Russian YouTuber Wyslacom features an unboxing of what he claims is the upcoming MacBook Pro M4. This model showcases a design strikingly similar to its predecessors, even down to the box that sports the official wallpaper of the MacBook M3. This suggests that it could be the first MacBook equipped with the M4 chip – a claim backed by renowned journalist Mark Gurman, famed for his insider knowledge of all things Apple. The leak is particularly astonishing given Apple’s hiatus from selling products directly in Russia since the Ukraine invasion, although unofficial resellers still distribute their items in the region. Wyslacom is not alone in his possession; another Russian user, Romancev768, also confirmed ownership with supporting footage. Leak expert ShrimpApplePro adds weight to these claims, stating that a few hundred units have mysteriously vanished from warehouses. This echoes the historic iPhone 4 leak saga of 2010, which began a ripple of controversy for Apple after a device was supposedly lost in a bar. The back of the box reveals a potential breakthrough: it includes an inscription for the M4 chip, which is set to fuel the iPad Pro lineup in 2024. The new MacBook also features additional ports, including a third Thunderbolt 4 port. Reports indicate that Apple may step away from the once-standard 8GB RAM for its entry models, suggesting a price increase is on the horizon. The final cherry on top for the veracity of this leak comes from the performance benchmarks illustrated in the video. They align closely with scores from the latest M4-equipped iPad Pro: the purported MacBook Pro M4 managed 3,864 points in single-core and 15,288 in multi-core tests, closely mirroring the iPad’s 3,107 and 15,271 points.
This article discusses the leak of what is believed to be the new MacBook Pro M4, a significant development in Apple’s product line, especially considering the ongoing geopolitical tensions that have affected Apple’s market presence in Russia. The potential impact of this new model includes increased specifications and a possibly higher price point, reflecting Apple’s continual evolution of its hardware to meet professional standards. The timing of this leak coincides with Apple’s strategy to innovate with new chip technology, specifically the M4 chip, which promises to enhance performance across the board. Notably, the historical context regarding leaks, especially the famous iPhone 4 incident in 2010, provides depth to understanding how Apple navigates product secrecy amid market speculation.
In summary, the emergence of the MacBook Pro M4, as showcased by Russian YouTubers, presents a thrilling glimpse into Apple’s future offerings. With enhanced specifications, new design elements, and a captivating backstory marked by geopolitical tension and product availability struggles, Apple’s trajectory remains one to watch intently. As Apple gears up for its next chapter, the anticipation surrounding the M4’s release is palpable – a true testament to Apple’s innovative spirit and the ever-curious tech community.
Original Source: www.bfmtv.com
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