Apple is set to release “Submerged,” the first immersive film for the Vision Pro headset, launching Thursday. Directed by Edward Berger, this 17-minute film takes viewers into a submarine during wartime. It will be available via Apple TV without a subscription and only in countries where the Vision Pro is sold. Apple has also released previous immersive content, indicating a broader push into virtual reality filmmaking.
Apple has announced the release of “Submerged,” the first immersive film created specifically for the Apple Vision Pro headset. Set to launch on Thursday, the 17-minute short was written and directed by Edward Berger, known for the Oscar-winning film, “All Quiet on the Western Front.” In “Submerged,” viewers will experience life aboard a submarine during wartime as it faces torpedo attacks. Users can access the film through Apple TV without needing a subscription to Apple TV+. However, it’s important to note that the film will only be available in countries where the Vision Pro is officially sold, including France. Additionally, Apple has already offered immersive experiences like “Elevated,” launched earlier in September, showcasing breathtaking aerial views of various landscapes in virtual reality, such as the Hawaiian volcanoes. As Apple continues to expand its cinematic offerings on the Vision Pro, it appears poised to attract filmmakers interested in exploring immersive storytelling opportunities.
Apple is expanding its cinematic endeavors beyond its streaming platform, Apple TV+, into the realm of immersive video experiences specifically designed for its Vision Pro headset. This advancement aligns with the growing interest in virtual reality and immersive media, appealing to both consumers and filmmakers. The launch of “Submerged” highlights Apple’s commitment to delivering unique narratives that leverage the capabilities of immersive technology.
In summary, Apple’s upcoming immersive film “Submerged” showcases the potential of the Vision Pro headset, providing a unique viewing experience distinct from traditional films. With immersive content already in development, Apple is likely to continue innovating in the cinematic space, attracting both audiences and creative talents to experiment with this format.
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